The Best Dupes for Cosmetic Treatments – Introducing Evenskyn Lumo!
The Best Dupes for Cosmetic Treatments – Introducing Evenskyn Lumo!
Check out the Evenskyn Lumo at or use the discount code YOUN and get 5% off all of their products and bundles! #evenskyn #radiofrequency #evenskynpartner
Thanks Dr Youn ! But I’m also conflicting message regarding EMS that it depletes skin ATP? What are your thoughts ?
Check out the Evenskyn Lumo at or use the discount code YOUN and get 5% off all of their products and bundles! #evenskyn #radiofrequency #evenskynpartner
Hi Dr Youn!! What are your thoughts on the "Redu Sculpt Body Buffer for Toning and Sculpting" device??
You sre going to lose the respect of your audience
Code doesn’t work
Thank you!!🤗🇿🇦
Thank you sooooo much . I love waayyyy below poverty level and can’t afford the expensive treatments ! I don’t know how much that equipment cost but I’m sure it’s much cheaper then the in office treatments .
Share lindsay lohan proceder
Thank you!
How often should I use the device ?
Can LED light cause a scar on your face?
Your skin looks great
Which is better evenskyn mirage face mask or the omnilux mens mask? Considering it for a gift for my Mom Thank you!
Is red light treatment at home safe during pregnancy?
Sponsored by Evenskyn 🙃
How about crowns, can they be destroyed?
Does it really tighten skin and how much does it tighten the skin ??
I watch you all the time doc.
Hey Doc😊
My Mom, may she rest in peace, hated Xander. So did I, not only is he Joss Whedon but I’m pretty sure he represents all these billionaire tech CEO’s they may be wealthy but they are still immature, misogynistic, high schoolers.
Are these safe to use? So they emit something bad for brains.. ears?😊
So why do you look wrinkled?
Company liquated
The evenskin website was marked as not safe by my browser.
I’d be more likely to respect your medical opinion if you weren’t an generating income as an affiliate. This needs to be made illegal.
Do you advocate the use of Depology facial patches
This feels very sponsored
Anyone know If the Lumo is real EMS ? Or Microcurrent?
Evenskyn Lumo is making a weird sound and it’s too strong. It shocks too much.
Music is the background is distracting.
Do you approve the TheraFace Pro?
I bought Lumo RF and QURE. What is the order for device to use please help me?
Hello Dr. Youn where can I buy Evenskyn Lumo for tightening
Thank you.
I went online and checked out this company, expecially non company feedback from costumers. You may wanna check that out before buying.
Dr. Youn, what do you think about the NU SKIN technologies?
Great company and excellent customer service
The code is not working
Wish you’re in the uk
Last time I listened to him I lost 4000£ for something that not only didn’t work , ( such a waste of money ) but many clinics don’t use it anymore. I now know why! So people be careful
Anything not Canadian?
Does RF melt beneficial fat?
Do those machines cause eventual fat loss?
I ordered and payed my devices and just dont get any info on the status of my order. Nobody responds to my emails.
Very disappointed.
How many of these devices are you sponsored by? Asking for a friend
You know companies pay this guy to promote their products, right??? Whether they work or not 😂😂😂
Dr you are a star
These are very expensive, any cheaper dupes? ❤
Are all of them FDA cleared ?