STOP using VITAMIN E CAPSULES on the SKIN @DrDrayzday #Shorts
STOP using VITAMIN E CAPSULES on the SKIN @DrDrayzday #Shorts
#skincare #skincareadvice #skincaretips #dermatologist #drdray #drdrayzday
STOP using VITAMIN E CAPSULES on the SKIN @DrDrayzday #Shorts
#skincare #skincareadvice #skincaretips #dermatologist #drdray #drdrayzday
Vaseline is the worse thing to put on your skin. Petroleum is death to your liver.
Doesn’t Vaseline (petroleum jelly) contain PAHS, a known carcinogen as well as endocrine disrupters? Gross. Perhaps your vitamin E oil was poor quality or contained fillers like soybean and coconut oil, terrible pore cloggers 🤔 Quality is everything.
Is this rage bait?
Vaseline??? Toxic
Vaseline? Where’s that study?
Vitamin E is terrific for skin, as is Vitamin C.
Vitamin e cleared up my psoriasis completely. Meanwhile the topical creams prescribed to me by doctors made it worse.
I dunno man, I had a terrible sunburn and I put vitamin e on it 4 times a day- it was gone in 4 days
I washed my face and added the oil from a capsule while I slept when I woke up and looked in the mirror my skin looked so good. I use to use it when I was younger and am gonna start using again
NOOO LMAO! I used this since I was younger and I’m 26!! This always makes my hairs Thicker! 😭 & my skin baby soft, & more. Idk where you’re getting your E at. But 😂 that ain’t it. Maybe on sensitive skin. Idk 🤷🏻♀️
It worked for me maybe they didn’t rub the dead skin off themselves than apply
No shade but i rhink you need vitamin e oil for those wrinkles on your forhead
I have KP, rosacea, dry skin and scarring from a recent spiderbite. Vitamin E on skin helps so much! I would say to take it slowly and observe how your skin reacts to see what your tolerance level is though.
For me, i use vitamine e oil on my cuticles and lips and eye lashes and i love it so much! I’ve used it for three years and have had nothing but good results
Cooking oil contains about 6% vitamin E. Is that similiar?
I used vitamin e oil on a large burn and it drastically improved the appearance and it helped completely. In comparison to a smaller burn that left a scar, I have no scaring. Also I applied the oil to a scar from 3 years ago and it is improving that too. I guess it all depends but it worked for me
I don’t know…everyone is different I guess but it works wonders for my combination skin and gives a healthy glow when combine with my other skin care regimen. It also heals some persons skin. So I don’t know what to say about this. I love Vaseline too but it works differently for me but in a good way just different. Blessings.
Vitamin E helps with wrinkles 😮And I use it a lot! And I take it a lot internally for dry skin! I’m never without vitamin E! I love it! Nature Made is what I like most.. Hopefully they do the study again…😮
Why do my doctor made scripting after went home
Im sorry that’s just a bold face LIE !! Taking it is the only thing that clears up my skin.
Use vaseline?!! Who payed you for advertising a petrol derivate!
that’s why i don’t trust this doctor?
It works you’re a liar.
Vitamin e has helped with my hair and scalp best thing I’ve used so far and probiotics 50 million
Girl, you are wrong.
Vitamin e ❤❤💯
Petroleum jelly ❤ 70%
This is edible vit e animate vit e does the work
That’s a lie. I have used vitamin E oil for years for scars and blemishes and it always works. People ask me all the time what I use for my skin and I say vitamin E oil.
This is a BLATANT LIE about scars. Because i had a very bad bar-relieved mark on my forearm from a nurse using a butterfly syringe on me the wrong way. I took one vitamin E capsule by mouth and applied the other onto the scar. I did it every day, twice a day for maybe a month. SCAR COMPLETLY GONE NOW. I cant even find it anymore.
So petroleum is better than a good source of vitamin E mmmmmmm🤔
Amazing story 😮
Doctor don’t want you to know because they will lose your money
This lady always does this.. all the good stuff is bad for u and this and that is always bad in all her videos
Cuz let’s be honest she a doctor and obviously wants people to come to her so she gets paid 😵💫 she’s annoying
This is bs. I’m 46 and I’ve used vitamin e on my skin for years. My skin looks better now than it did when I was in my 20’s. I get compliments on my skin on a daily basis.
This is false. Years ago, a doctor recommended Vitamin E oil to help with scars. To this day, 40+ years later, my skin is smooth. Not sure where you’re getting your studies from. Vaseline is a petroleum by-product. Maybe you need to review that information. 💐
I had very bad dry hands due to frequent hand washing after every diaper change (3 Littles). God gave me the idea to apply vitamin e oil directly on my hands after every shower. MY HANDS ARE SO SMOOTH despite still washing my hands frequently.
Gasoline, Vaseline 😂
And so missy…. what do you think about those comments? Where did you get your info from? And who’s paying you?
I call bull on this video 😂 Vaseline is actually super bad for u. Look it up
Super skin care products
coconut oil is great
Now which should I go for
Is she trolling?
She crazy
Not true! Vitamin E has been the only natural supplement in oil form that has improved my dry skin condition! This short video clearly failed to provide its sources!
LOL Vaseline? petroleum!! No never 😂
welp not listening to this one. thanks tho.
So which pharmaceutical company paid for that study and which one is paying you to report this nonsense?