How to Prevent Premature Aging
How to Prevent Premature Aging
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I’m 21 this year and it’s getting really bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭
love your channel, but the word "ANAL" behind you is kinda distracting😅
It is Better to watch someone rating a product when they are not sponsoring by those products. Watch Dr.Vanita Rattan videos and she will let you know about all these expensive skincare brand that are trash. The best part she is NOTsponsored by any brand, so she will tell you the truth!!!!
I love Hyram, but is no one gonna talk about the fact that it says Anal in the background?
I will send eth to one with refs to valuable info on hypodermal aging that isn’t mainstream.
Has anyone else noticed that the picture in the background says ‘anal’?!?!
I’m 18 and have pretty noticible wrinkles on my forehead (i have been wwearing sunscreen for 4 years now, have really oily skin) so idk why it is happening, no skincare works on me, sunscreen doesn’t work on me (yes im reaplying IT during the day) , moistrurizing cloges my pores or is too light, diet doesn’t work, acids don’t work. Idk maybe i have really bad genes, but most of my family is known to have beautiful skin without much effort. It really made my life a nightmare, bc even knowing i have knowledge about skincare and had spent hundreds of hours educating myself about this topic, my skin is becomimg worse and worse, i’m just wasting my money and time. Life really is unfair.
A young guy saying it 🙄
Can I use any kind of exfoliator with retinol?
i’m 15 and have forehead lines. why.
The word "ANAL’ in the background tho…
I’m literally just 18 but have fine lines under my eyes & thought they were eye bags but no they’re literally wrinkles and yes I’m a swimmer but turns out that is not how my skin should look so became insecure about it but don’t know what to buyyy
Your my savior 🥺I’m 20 and struggling with small smile line
I’m 18 can I use under eye masks for lines and bags
I did not understand anything 😅😅 Maybe show products or something? Idk what’s a rethanol and the different types of cream… I only understood the expressions part.
All i notice is that the print behind you says ANAL
I’m 18 but my undereye wrinkles are hurting me😭😭💔💔
I started basic skin care like sunscreen and moisturizers 6 years ago and I see great benefits of it. While a lot of my friends experienced ageing i still look the same i did before with no signs of ageing. Plus regular exercise does help.
You have bahasa subtitle now wowwww how helpfull!!!
Hello Hyram a question I like to use vitamin C PURITO – Sérum Pure Vitamin C Serum I saw great results, Can I still use this as part of my morning routine If I do the cycling with exfoliant, moisturized, and retinol at night ?
I want to ask you for a video dedicated to forehead wrinkles please.
It looked like the poster/painting in the background said an*l before you smashed the place
What products do you recommend for oily type skin or combination skin?
Is it just me reading “ANAL” on the poster on the back?
I’m so happy I found your channel! I am STRUGGLING! I’m heading to first aid beauty right now but what are your tips for the lips? Mine feel so parched and find myself biting them often. Please help!
What is that sign in the background?
Blessings my bro thanjs
Okay one I need more videos for anti wrinkles. I get more in my sleep because I sleep most comfortably on my sides and on my tummy. I can’t help it. That way makes me sleep more.
You don’t need $100 toners, etc with fancy brand times to have a good skin care.
Just stick with the science, get a good routine, and stick with it. I know it’s hard to filter through all the BS claims, but it’s worth it! =)
I couldnt pay attention because of the "Anal" sign behind him.
This being drinks a liter of estrogen every day before the breakfast.
we can mican we mix moisturizing cream with sunscreen??? I know well that I’m not going to do two steps in skin care if I can only do 1
Are mineral sunscreens safer than chemical?
Has anyone else noticed what letters can be seen on the background poster ? 🤣 Cheeky !
Can I use retinols if I’m 15 and struggle with wrinkles
If i stay inside more than being outside, don’t i need to use it??
I suggest Q10 creams
Hi Hyram!
How does one keep up with sunscreen? It’s so intimidating to me that we need to reapply it every 2 hours. What if I put makeup on it? How would I reapply it?!!
Also, why would I need to use sunscreen if I am staying indoors?
Thanks for readin!!!
I’m 18 and I’m already wrinkly 🙁
What should i use to exfloliate if i have acne? I heard its bad to exfoliate if u have acne
Am I the only one that notices the picture behind him ? lol
Is there any specific retinol I should be using?
you look vary young your doing something right
Please share the pics!!!!
I’m 20 and my skin is horrible
Have you had fillers in your forehead ? Like honestly did you get rid of them strictly from skincare or was it a combo.
I have forehead wrinkles that came out of the blue at 29. Honestly I don’t take care of my skin and barely even wash it and am always told how young I look and am ID’D daily. Wondering if I can reverse this or just make sure it doesn’t get worse . It’s terrible cause I’m a makeup junkie and it’s sitting in the lines in my head
❤ Hyram is just the best.❤
🤣😂 “ I don’t want this face to look like beef jerky” that had me dying lol.
I’m nearly 30, I barely use sunscreen and I still am not really showing many signs of aging.
I would love to use sunscreen, however they are all either very oily or very expensive…