Do Supplements Work? Which Should I Take? – Dr. Anthony Youn
Do Supplements Work? Which Should I Take? – Dr. Anthony Youn
Nutritional supplements are all the rage right now, but are they really necessary for healthy and youthful skin? Which do you need and which can you leave on the shelf? In this video I’ll go over the ins and outs of the popular ones that are thought to be anti-aging, so you know which will give you the best bang for your buck!
Link to the FREE eGuide pdf “Dr. Youn’s Recommended Nutritional Supplements for Beautiful Skin”:
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Shout Out to #DoctorMike who told not to eat Supplements — confused
make video on glutathione plss
Question!! Is it best to buy each vitamin individually vs buying a multivitamin?
What if I take prenatal & other individual vitamins, is that okay?
I love you Dr Youn, but not in a romantic way. I love you because you share your extensive experience and knowledge.
Thanks so much!
Holistic Plastic Surgeon?! Where could I earn that degree? 😅
Thanks for all your great useful info Dr Y. ❤
Why your Collagen is so expensive, and the container is rather small, I need an answer sir?
Probiotics make me REALLY gassy. 😖
I buy quality supplements expensive not buying in a pharmacy but in a health store we get what we pay 🇸🇽🇺🇸
So should I take like 6 suppliments a day? Isn’t that too much?
What do you think about hyaluronic acid supplements?
Will you do all the plastic surgery procedures I want for me please? 🥰
An Outstanding presentation, which clarified many of my negging questions I’ve had for a long time. Thank you!!❤
dont do supplements they can hurt your stomach and get side effects, do a myers cocktail iv once a month get a vitamin d injection you can up to 100,000-300,000 iu injections that can last up to three months in your body.add in gludathione iv like twice a month coq10 injection once a week. those will heal almost all health issues fast massive improvements in a week no side effects.they just wont heal a broken knee in a week ha. the only oral supplment you have to do is fish oil. nutrition ivs and injections are how rich people and pro athletes stay healthy year round, you cant get enough nutrition from food alone. toxic farming over the past 30 years has depleted nutrition in the soils. nad+iv reverses aging
I am South African. In South Africa we have a tea called Rooibos tea. We drink it for breakfast or when we are sick. It is very good for our skin, too.
I consume fruits for vitamin c
I take beef organ pills for vitamins
Also vitamin d3 and omega 3 and 6
And I drink green tea
Is taking green tea as a drink equal taking supplement
How much vitamin A is recommended by studies? 💊
hate the fact dislike and like was removed- 1.2mil views … 42k likes
I ordered from you 1 month ago. The collagen, anti oxidants, the omega 3’s, the skin brightner, retinal cream and Vit C serum. I look 100% better. However I realize that at 68 and my lack of daily skin routine over the last 30 yrs that the only thing that will help my neck and jowls is a facelift.
My age 23 but my face not looking as young attractive as it should be i am so worried about this please help whst should i do? 😥
Too much vitamins to intake, so is taking multivitamins capsule per day is good enough?
I’m super allergic to Retinols. Just a warning, for those with acne or roscea be super careful with retinols.
Standard process is a vitamin brand that grows plants in vitamin rich soils and uses those plants in their vitamins. Recommend it to everyone
I like Dr. Youn. He seems like a nice person. I’m just not too sure I’d trust him with my care. There are several videos of other plastic surgeons who disagree with some of his beliefs regarding fillers and procedures, most with valid points. What bothers me most is when I was in college, I had a professor who believed when a well-known Dr. begins selling supplements, skin care, hair care, etcetera, he or she is no longer credible or abjective of the patient’s needs and will simply try to sell the patient his or her over priced products.
Thank you for your videos, can I take all of these supplements at the same time everyday?
Any recommendations besides yours
For vegetarians and vegans, you can get omega 3 from flax and chia.
Hi Dr, thanks for this information, please can i take all this vitamins in one dosage ?
I have a question about the supplements can you still eat foods contained with the same vitamins or just eat the supplements?
You’re awesome thank you so much.
There is no accountability, no oversight over the purity, potency, age of our supplements. They could be full of pesticides or heavy metals for all we know. They can put whatever they want on the labels, no one checks the veracity
I am all for supplements, I just would like to know for sure I am not poisoning myself and that I am getting what I paid for
Can you please make a video about supplements that help in losing weight. Of course with a healthy dite
Thanks for watching this video! Here’s a link to the FREE eGuide pdf "Dr. Youn’s Recommended Nutritional Supplements for Beautiful Skin":
Does Dr Youn ever reply to anyone?.
Fantastic video.
Thanks Dr. Youn for this. Most doctors know nothing about nutrition,
Great overview, as usual! I love dr Youn’s clear informative style. I shop for OG local produce and animal products from our local farmers Market and have a garden. I also take supplements, and am just adding in collagen.
Magnesium is another that is lower now in food, and I make my own well absorbed magnesium bicarbonate water, using milk of magnesia in carbonated water! (youtube has some great tutorials)
this is the form recommended by Cardiologist Wm Davis, and is simple and inexpensive. Magnesium is a vital nutrient, involved in over 350 functions.
It’s really hard to trust Businessman nowadays. Ohhh sorry you’re a doctor? Haha sorry my bad 😜
Thank you Dr.Youn for the lecture. The info is helpful.
Please, how can l get your supplements in Cameroon??
That file isn’t available anymore 😞
I’m only 20, and I figured if I start anti-aging skin care, I’ll look 20 at 30
Im so confuse, some doctors says that collagen supplements when take it orally are not effective cuz the enzyme in our stomach destroy the collagen and cannot go to our skin 😵😵😵😵
Can I profess my love for you dear doctor? I think you are so authentic so honest so high in your ethics. Not only you are good looking, you have a good heart.
How do you feel about magnesium supplements?
Thanks for sharing all this with us
ever time I try to click the link for the PDF it says it’s not found
Too much effort for me. I do exercise, I take a few supplements including fish twice a week, I also take collagen caps but even more importantly I eat the gel from cooked chicken, I do eat a bit of fat from red meat, I eat the Cartledge from animal bones. I use quality creams to moisturize and drink “enough” water. Probiotic…I drink kefir (not yogurt) blended with natural honey…both of which are unpasteurized and better for skin. Taking care of the body is from the inside out. I also look some years younger than my age…that’s what I’m told.