Praying one day your office will randomly message me and help me get my life back.. help me at 32 get my youth back. The world has been very unkind to me and I would do anything to look in a mirror and see something beautiful
Praying one day your office will randomly message me and help me get my life back.. help me at 32 get my youth back. The world has been very unkind to me and I would do anything to look in a mirror and see something beautiful .. like you.
🙄 That’s not how you spell neurotoxin. Are you sure you’re a professional?
Thanks, this is good info with the prices 😊
What can you do for striae and c-section scars
What to do for dark circles?
What about hyperpigmentation on the fa
How to buy those product. I’m living here in hongkong
These Botox for life, or at some years you need to upgrade for the service again, Just curious need to know
Do you recommend Microneedling for Malesma?
Check your spelling: Neuro not nuero
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 🇨🇦
What about age spots? Or sun damage?
I’m just going to a good diet. Thanks.
Does the rf destroy facial fat?
Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Does the co2laser work well on olive skin tone. I’m close to a 4 on the Fitzpatrick scale?
Any advice for MELASMA ?
Praying one day your office will randomly message me and help me get my life back.. help me at 32 get my youth back. The world has been very unkind to me and I would do anything to look in a mirror and see something beautiful
I need to
What’s your address & phone number
I would love to but I don’t live in the US.
Let me win the lotto first then I will go to your consultorio &$$$$$$&$$$$$$$🤩
1000 usd per RF and micro needling sessions??? OMG 😮
#2 how long does it last? Do you need repeated treatments and if so how often? TY
Wat is your number I am interested would like an appointment
Will you do a virtual consultation?
What can 8 grand do? I’m 50, and I’ve aged so much in the past 4 years
Praying one day your office will randomly message me and help me get my life back.. help me at 32 get my youth back. The world has been very unkind to me and I would do anything to look in a mirror and see something beautiful .. like you.