Gentle Floral Skin Cream Recipe
Gentle Floral Skin Cream Recipe
Those of us who have sensitive skin know that we have to be extra careful about selecting appropriate ingredients for our DIY body care products. Some oils and butters are too heavy and some can be drying or irritating. Happily, our friends at the @herbalacademy are experts on this skin type and they’re sharing their wisdom with us! Their flower-infused Gentle Floral Skin Cream recipe, with its light, soothing ingredients, is perfect for sensitive skin. If you’re intrigued but you’ve never made a lotion or cream before, don’t worry, this recipe walks you through the process one step at a time.
Strengthening the bonds between people and plants for a healthier world.
#shorts #herbalmedicine #skincare
Magical 🪄🌙✨🌺thank you 🌿
I have that book! It’s nice to see ‘competitors’ in a market compliment each other and make a positive community 💕
What blog?
Adding bees wax and whipping the mixture my body cream it gets grainy after a couple days